RentABalloonRace - Virtual balloon race

Getting Started

  1. Start by creating an account here.
  2. Add balloon(s) to your cart and pay with your debit or credit card. Your balloon purchase(s) will be confirmed to you by email. If you purchased a balloon offline, you will be sent a unique ‘Balloon Activation code’ by email, which you can enter to give you access to your balloon account.
  3. You're now ready to decorate and customise your balloon!

About Radio Lollipop

Radio Lollipop is an international children’s charity providing care, comfort, play and entertainment to sick children in hospital. The service was founded in the UK in 1979 as a one-off project with a vision to reach every child in hospital – anywhere, any time

Buy Balloons to help create flexible services

Your 3 GBP balloon will go towards helping Radio Lollipop reach every child in hospital through new and flexible opportunities. For example:

Our Challenges and Issues

Once a Radio Lollipop station is established, it doesn’t take much money to keep it operating – they are very frugal, low maintenance volunteer operations. However, despite those limitations we have managed to steadily grow over the past 44 years.